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Events-Dance Parties!

At Noh Way School we host these weekly, and once a month, Fun Filled dance parties!  Come and have fun!!


Té Y Tango Sundays 2-5pm

2-3 pm Beginner Tango Class

3-3:30 pm Intermediate Tango Class

3:30-5:00 pm Practica



We are determined to keep this Té Y Tango happening!! We really missed dancing, with each other!! Come join us at the Noh Way School.
You don't need to bring a partner and it's Free the first time you join us.
We always have snacks, conversation, great music (both contemporary and traditional Tango)
and you'll have a chance to hang out with Bangor's growing Tango Community.

Until Spring weather returns you may joins this Sunday and every Sunday 2:00-5:00.
Shiwa will be happy to answer questions and provide directions to the studio if you need them.

More Information:  Shiwa (917)579-8443



West Coast Swing with David

First Sunday of each Month!


Contractions and expansion, this sexy dance brings a lot of posibilities of creativity while conneting to your partner.

Dance To a wide Variety of contemporary, blues, R&B, jazz, pop, Latin and your requests.  


6:00-7:00   Pre-Dance West Coast Swing Lesson,

7:00-8:30   Open Dance Party

$8/all above,  $5/lesson or party only!

For More information:  David (207)244-5286


Valentine Tango Milonga

Feb. 14 Friday
One of the Tango master told me, "Tango is about bringing two hearts into One big heart and with 4 little legs!"

I really do think that's the perfect description of the Tango.
and, this night we celebrate the Tango, love, hearts, music and friends!! Please wear your reds, and something that makes your feel good!! We will have some flowers for you and some raw Chocolates, and strawberries.
7-8 Class
8-11 Milonga

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