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Frequently Asked Questions


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Do I need a partner?


No, you can come without a partner. Argentine Tango is improvisational social dance that you don’t have to know any certain steps to be able to dance with another person. From moment to moment you lead and follow. And, it’s great way to meet tango community by dancing with them and build friendship. Normally in a Milonga you will dance 3 songs, a tanta with a person, and should try to dance with many different people. And, also in class settings, we try to rotate the partners frequently, so that you truly build your technique of leading and following.


I am visiting Bangor, Can I drop-In a Class/Milonga/Practica?


Yes, yes, yes. I believe that there are always something that you can learn from the class even you are a great dancer with a lot of experience, and if you are a beginner, maybe there is one thing that you can work on, and we are so thrill to have you in our Milonga and Practica. Argentine Tango is the best when we actually grow as community and meet people from all over the world. And, pretty much everywhere you go in the world you can go to Milongas and dance Tango. This is a worldwide dance!! A great way to travel and see the world!!
Welcome to Argentine Tango!!


I'm older. Can I learn Tango?


OF COURSE!! Actually Argentine Tango is really good for you. There are many studies that proven that Argentine Tango helps elders prevent from Alziemer, Parkinson, Dimencia, etc. disease that cause by Neuromuscular illnesses. Also, this dance will help you practice your balance, uplift your spirit, sharing kindness with others, make more friends, great social network, lots of embrace, joy of music and dance..


How long does it take to learn Tango?


In our school, we have designed basic level classes( about 8-10 weeks ) to cover basic vocabulary of Argentine Tango so that you have some tools that you can utilize in your tango. Some of old Milongueros will tell you that all you need to learn is Walk!! And, those people who have been dancing all their lives still practicing their way of walk. But, from the first class you will be able to dance Tango, by walking. And, you will be in treat of beautiful art of discovering, and continuing learning. I really think this is life long process, because you will be continue improving. At this moment I am thinking of Bruce Lee, “Be like water, my friend, Be like Water, water is formless but it becomes whatever shape object that hold.” And like a stream of water which continues flow will be fresh, but when it stops flowing will be spoiled.


Is it expensive to learn Tango?


No, it doesn’t have to be, there are many group lessons, which are very affordable price, and if you join with another friend you can get couple discount. We will honor two friends, and couples are welcome as well. Average of $10 /lesson /event or could be less if you take more than one class, or wants to enroll for more, unlimited classes. These days when you go out to do something or to go out to eat or a drink, you will need more than that, far more..
For so much less, you get so much fun, and fulfillment of learning, enjoying, keeps you in shape, and during the milonga we serve light healthy refreshments as well.


What should I wear?


Tango is a social dance and you want to dress to impress! Of course something that you can move comfortably and look good, since you will be dancing in embrace with another person, you might get sweaty, which is great! I personally love that we can sweat together. So have that in mind, wear something that absorb the water well,( natural fibers are excellent)and you don’t get too hot.

Good Hygiene is important, we’ll have some mints around the studio, but not too strong perfumes, some people are allergic to them.
Men: Long pants, slack, Jeans are great. And nice shirt, t-shirt, be yourself. Unless you are on the beach outdoor, shorts just doesn’t look right somehow…
Women: dresses that are not too long that you might step on or get caught on your hill. Around calf, or knee-high length that is not too tight so that you can move, stretch your legs, pants are great. Ladies you know what to wear!!
Shoes: Tango shoes. Tango shoes are designed in certain way that helps you to dance your best in Tango. Usually its flexible sole with a little support for comfort, has suede on the bottom, men’s ballroom shoes are pretty good, and ladies’ shoes are normally has hills and the hills is to help you to dance better in tango.


What is a Milonga? Milonguero, Milonguera?


A. It’s musical term, the original music of tango which influenced by African Slaves in Argentina in early 1900’s they brought their drum Candombe, and the rhythm,2/4 .
B. It’s a social tango party, a location is called Milonga, example: “ I am going to Nohway Milonga tonight!”
C. Milonguero/a refers to the people who goes to Milonga to dance tango. Usually they are passionalte and obsessed with tango.


What is ‘Noh Way’ School? Or ‘No way’? Strange name!


Well, Noh is a family name of Artistic Director, Shiwa Noh, who is originally from Korea who loves Tai-Chi and Argentine Tango. Which both art alone is a Way of life, something that one needs to put some a good amount of time to learn, life dedication. By putting the last name Noh and Way of being, Noh-Way School was born. Thought it is important to have some humor!! Say YES to ‘Noh Way’ School!!!:)


What do you accept for payments?
We accept pretty much everything. Cash, Check, Credit Cart, a lot of C’s.


Where is the Noh-way School?


It is located in the heart of Downtown Bangor, 170 Park St. Suite#4 (2nd fl) ME 04401
Studio is airy and beautiful space with beautiful view of Bangor.

© All Rights Reserved by Noh Way School, Bangor, Maine

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