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Lyric of the Month

Tiempo y Siléncio

The recoding that we frequently hear in the studio is performed as a duet by Cesária Évora and Pedro Guerra, who, along with Luis Pastor, is also the composer. It appears on the 2001 album by Cesária Évora entitled "São Vincente di Longe". The song is frequently classified as Brazilian Pop, but both performers are more closely associated with the Cabo Verde and Canary Islands off the west coast of Africa.

Spanish English

Una casa en el cielo A house in the sky

Un jardín en el mar A garden in the sea

Una alondra en tu pecho A lark in your chest

Un volver a empezar A return of the begin

Un deseo de estrellas A wish of stars

Un latir de gorrión A sparro's heartbeat

Una isla en tu cama An island in your bed

Una puesta de sol A sunset

Tiempo y Silencio Time and silence

Gritos y cantos Screams and songs

Cielos y besos Heaven and kisses

Voz y quebranto Voice and grief

Nacer en tu risa To be born in your laugh

Crecer en tu llanto To grow in your weeping

Vivir en tu espalda To live on your shoulder

Morir en tus brazos To die in your arms


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